Gritting and grit bins
We use specialist weather station technology and forecasting services to predict when the district's roads will be subject to frost, ice or snow conditions, and our team of experts determine when to send out the gritters to keep the roads safe for our road users.
Our gritters treat up to 1020km (over 630 miles) of roads across Kirklees, around 53% of our highways. The network is made up of main roads, road with a steep gradient, high frequency bus routes, and important roads that link communities to key facilities and transport hubs.
We grit main routes so as many people as possible can make their way to our town and village centres, doctors' surgeries, health centres, hospitals, bus stations and schools as safely as possible. We are unable to accept individual requests for route changes.
From mid-October through to April our crews are on call 24-hours a day and out gritting the network, responding to forecasts and live weather. Gritters are often out early in the morning from around 4am and again after 6pm, avoiding peak traffic, so you may not always see a gritter on the roads. In severe weather, our gritters are out working at all times of day and night.
Grit bins
We maintain over 1,430 grit bins in Kirklees which are located at sites not on the (Treated Network) gritting routes.
Our grit bins are filled in preparation of winter and a sticker is applied to show when it was last filled. After severe weather events and if resources allow, grit bins may be refilled. Grit stored in the bins should only be used on public roads, pavements, and other public areas, not on private driveways.
We cannot take orders for grit bins at the time. If you think the a grit bin could be a better resource elsewhere in your community, please contact your ward councillor to state your case.
We receive road specific weather forecasts directly from the Met Office, and we have weather stations and sensors at key locations around Kirklees providing real-time data to inform decision making.
We have highly trained and experienced staff who interpret, manage and monitor the weather 24-hours a day. This makes sure we grit at the most appropriate times for the conditions.
The gritter may have finished its gritting route and be returning to the depot or crossing a route that another gritter is treating. It's also worth noting that, to ensure the grit works effectively, it needs vehicles to travel over it to activate it.
We carry out 'precautionary gritting' ahead of any winter hazards such as ice forming.
Our grit is 99% rock salt. A typical gritting across Kirklees uses about 93 tonnes of grit.
We work closely with the emergency services, bus operators, emergency planning services and other local authorities to make sure we have a clear picture of how the weather is affecting people.
- Become a volunteer snow warden in your community. Read more information at winter information.
- Check on vulnerable family and neighbours.
- Clear a pavement or path - don't be afraid to clear public walkways; people walking on snow and ice are responsible for their own safety.
- Park sensibly. Gritters are large vehicles and unable to squeeze through tight spaces or around abandoned cars.
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Contact us
- Kirklees Council
- Address Highways and Streetscene, PO Box 1720, Huddersfield, HD1 9EL
- Email
- Phone 01484 414700