What you need to do first when planning involvement activity
Illustrating different types of involvement activity (informing, consulting, collaborating and empowering in Kirklees)
- Informing communities - get smart, get help, get safe (pdf 410kb)
- Consulting communities - children's centre satisfaction (pdf 897kb)
- Empowering communities - Cemetery support group (pdf 499kb)
Collaborating with communities - Young people from different backgrounds working hard to improve community
relations across North Kirklees (pdf 412kb) - Bowel cancer awareness project - a cross-cutting project (pdf 424kb)
A range of how to guides to help you plan and carry out different types of activity with different groups of people.
- Informing (pdf 409kb)
- Consulting (pdf 579kb)
- Collaborating and empowering (pdf 420kb)
- Ethical issues in research (pdf 492kb)
- Employee research (pdf 501kb)
- Consulting with LGBT people (pdf 654kb)
- Research with BME groups (pdf 472kb)
- Research with children and young people (pdf 581kb)
- Involving communities in service changes (pdf 487kb)
- Involving Adults service users and carers (pdf 504kb)
- Running events - a good practice guide
- Panel research (pdf 428kb)
- Focus groups (pdf 503kb)
- Interviews (pdf 509kb)
- Ethnography (pdf 261kb)
- Mystery shopping (pdf 514kb)
- Sampling (pdf 505kb)
- Questionnaires (pdf 613kb)
- Writing questions (pdf 608kb)
- Asking 'about you' questions (pdf 738kb)
- Researcher safety (pdf 318kb)
- Research and consultation checklist (pdf 325kb)
- Analysing and reporting qualitative data (pdf 500kb)
- Analysing and reporting quantitative data (pdf 541kb)
- Feeding back (pdf 369kb)
Links to relevant information outside of Kirklees
- The Consultation Institute – Consultation Charter
- Consultation Institute resources
- Market Research Society Guidelines
- Office for Public Management – Unlocking Local Capacity
- Participation Compass
- Producing better information for disabled people: a toolkit
- Guide to Effective Participation
- Social by Social
- Dialogue by Design
- Making participation count
- Online resources from the NHS
The Consultation Institute promotes high standards of public, stakeholder
and employee consultation.
Their Charter outlines seven best practice principles for effective consultation.
Other resources available from the Consultation Institute include briefing papers on
topical aspects of consultation.
The Market Research Society (MRS) is the world’s largest professional research
Their guidelines cover a range of topics including questionnaire design and online research.
This report from the Office for Public Management (OPM) sets out findings from
about what councils can do to unlock the capacity in their communities.
This resource provides practical information for anyone working to involve
and allows you to add case studies, news and other content yourself.
An Office for Disability Issues (ODI) toolkit to support better public
sector communication with disabled people.
Providing a range of techniques and tools, based on the 'Ladder of participation' theory.
This simple site can help you identify blockages and ways forward.
A practical guide to using new online technologies to deliver social impact.
This site offers free tools focusing on the three critical design factors around every engagement
process: why, who, and how.
Regular blogs and publications from Involve on public participation.
Including the smart guides to engagement series, and a decision support tool to help
with estimating costs and benefits of different activities.