Dewsbury Renaissance
A strategy for a sustainable future, which intends to inspire civic pride and offer a strong vision for the renaissance of Dewsbury town centre.
Strategic Development Framework 2018 and Delivery Plan
Dewsbury Town Centre Strategic Development Framework 2018
This document sets out a 25 year vision for the town centre, supported by a delivery programme that includes projects and actions over the next 5 years. It builds upon the Strategic Development Framework produced in 2010. The SDF 2010 entailed a substantial amount of work by the Council and partners and its production included an extensive amount of public engagement.
Strategic Development Framework 2010
Dewsbury Strategic Development Framework 2010
This was jointly commissioned by Yorkshire Forward and Kirklees Council in 2009.
The strategy is based on Dewsbury's existing assets, skills, resources and, most importantly, the social capital within local community networks. Local organisations, individuals, local councillors, council officers and Yorkshire Forward have all been involved in the creation of the strategy. Think tanks such as New Economics Foundation and international experts Jan Gehl Architects have shared their knowledge and expertise on re-imagining liveable and lovable places.
Many people in Dewsbury have contributed to the development of this complex, place-specific and aspirational strategy for the future of their town centre. It is based on the belief that Dewsbury can be regenerated by the community themselves, working in partnership with the local council and other stakeholders.