Important Maps are unavailable

Most maps on the website are unavailable due to a technical issue. This includes maps of planning applications, tree preservation orders, and public rights of way. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Welcome to Kirklees Council

Services and information

Planning and development

Search for planning applications, regulations and policies, conservation, regeneration and pollution.

Your property, bins and recycling

View your grey, green and brown bin collection dates, household waste recycling centres and trade waste

Council tax and benefits

View your council tax bands, make payments and see what benefits and support you may be entitled to.

Leisure and culture

Things to do in Kirklees, Town Hall events, libraries, museums and galleries, countryside and open spaces and visitor information.

Schools, education and childcare

A-Z of schools, admissions, childcare and early education, educating at home and preparing for adulthood.

Council and democracy

View your ward councillors, voting, policies and strategies, our council plan, voting and elections and information and data.

Transport, roads and parking

Car parks and parking permits, roadworks and closures, public rights of way and transport.

Adult social care and health

Arranging support, safeguarding, social activities, carers support, care homes and paying for care.

Housing and homelessness

Council housing, appling for property, homelessness, travellers, housing strategies and policies.

Births, deaths and marriages

Marriages and civil partnerships, certificates, deaths, funerals and memorials, births and naming, register offices.

Children and families

Childcare and early education, child protection, fostering and adoption, support for mums.

Jobs and training

Employment support, jobs and careers, volunteering, training and apprenticeships, working for Kirklees.


Licences for taxis, animals, waste, food, highways and gambling, entertainment and others.

Business and economy

Business Kirklees, markets, work with Kirklees, employment and skills, rates and regulations.

Crime and safety

Report a crime, flytipping, litter and graffiti, keeping safe, preventing crime, drugs and alcohol.

Communities and volunteering

Community grants and funding, community directory, volunteering, community assets, local facilities and organisations.

News and stories

more news

Events and groups

more events