When you are demolishing a building, you may need permission from the council before works commence. If permission is required work cannot start unless the council has received a Section 80 notice.

When a demolition notice is required

A Section 80 demolition notice is required when you are demolishing a building that is more than 1750 cubic feet (approx. 50 cubic meters)

Further details of when you may require a demolition notice can be found at the Building Act 1984

Commencing a demolition

You cannot begin to demolish a building which Section 80 notice applies unless:

  1. A Section 80 notice has been submitted to Kirklees Council, and
  2. Either,
  • Kirklees Council have issued a Section 81 notice. or
  • A period of 6 weeks has passed since the Section 80 notice was sent to Kirklees Council.
  • Applicant duties

    Prior to submitting a Section 80 notice to Kirklees Council you must ensure that a notice or a copy of the notice is sent to:

    1. The occupier of any buildings adjacent to the building.
    2. Gas supplier.
    3. Electricity supplier.

    Please note that the Section 80 notice will ask for the dates that notice was given to the above.

    Failing to submit a Section 80 or starting work early

    Failure to submit a Section 80 notice to Kirklees Council or starting work before the Section 81 Notice has been issued by Kirklees Council unless a period of six weeks has passed since the Section 80 notice was sent to the council is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding level 4 on the standard scale (£2500.00).


    Please read our apply to demolish a building guidance.

    How to submit a Section 80 demolition notice

    Clock Completing this form takes around 15 minutes.

    Paperclip To complete this form you will need:

    • A login for a My Kirklees Account. If you don't already have a login, please register for a My Kirklees Account before entering the form.
    • Location plan in a single page PDF format - a plan to a scale of not less 1:1250 showing:
      • the size and position of the building.
      • the boundaries of the curtilage of the building.
      • the width and position of any street on or within the boundaries of the curtilage of the building.
    • A maximum of 5 supporting documents.
    • The dates that you sent notice or a copy of the notice to the relevant parties.
    Submit a Section 80 notice

    After you have applied

    After you have submitted the Section 80 notice, you should receive email confirmation that the form has been received by our Business Support team and is being processed. If we require any more information, or the form is filled out incorrectly we will contact you. Once the form has been processed Building Control may undertake the relevant site inspections prior to the issuing of the Section 81 notice.

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