Autism is a lifelong developmental disability that affects how a person communicates with, and relates to, other people.

Understanding autism

The video below is made from real life stories of adults with autism in Kirklees and aims to address prejudice and promote a better understanding of autism.

Free online courses about autism

Getting a diagnosis

If you are over 18 years of age and think you may be autistic contact your GP to discuss your concerns, they will refer you for a formal assessment if necessary.

Find out how to get diagnosed with autism and how a diagnosis can be helpful.

Autism support services

In Kirklees

Employment support

REAL Employment supports adults (18+) who have learning disabilities and have additional needs such as Autism, Dyslexia and Dyspraxia into volunteering, training and paid employment. We support throughout the application and employment process.

Kirklees Employment Service helps support people living with mental ill health, early onset dementia and those on the autistic spectrum in finding meaningful paid employment, volunteering opportunities, education and training.

Hospital support

My health passport is a resource for people with autism who might need hospital treatment.

Educational support

Kirklees Neurodiverse Partnership

Kirklees Neurodiverse Partnership is made up of officers from the council, officers from Job Centre Plus and health professionals working with local autism support groups. The partnership ensures that local strategy is implemented and makes a difference to people's lives.

How to contact adult social care services

The Community Health and Social Care Hub is the contact for anyone that would like further information or advice on adult social care and support services available in Kirklees.

Contact adult social care services

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