If you are finding it difficult to remain independenton your own, we can help you access adult social care and identify how you can be supported.

Who this applies to

Care and support for adults is help that some people over 18 may need to live a good life. This may be because of a disability, ill health or other problems. Help can include support with things like washing, dressing, eating, getting out and about and keeping in touch with family and friends.

We can offer support to you if you:

  • are aged 18 or over
  • live in Kirklees

and have care and support needs because you:

  • are older or frail
  • have a physical and/or learning disability
  • have mental health issues
  • have problems with drugs and/or alcohol.
  • or you care for someone who has the above needs

Accessing care and support

There are a range of care and support services available to you, both in your local community and provided by, or on behalf of, the council.

Our aim is to support you to choose the services that best suit your needs and enable you to live as independently as possible.

Step 1 - Your needs

To make sure we understand what your needs are, you can complete a needs assessment. This can be with support, or you can access the self-assessment form called Better Care Support .

You'll be asked about:

  • the things you can for yourself
  • the things that someone else is doing or can do for you
  • what you need help to do
  • anything that you would like to be able to do in the future.

This will help us to work out:

  • what support you need
  • whether you can access this support in your local community (often these are free services)
  • what other options there are to support you such as assisted technology and/or equipment
  • if you need to access any services run by us or other agencies
  • how much it will cost for the support you require.

Step 2 - Paying for your care

The cost of your care and support package will depend on which services you are accessing. Some of our services are free, others are chargeable.

Most people must pay some or all the cost towards care services they receive from us. If you would like to know if we can help with the cost of your care and support, you can complete the online financial assessment or someone can support you to complete this.

This will look at things like:

  • any benefits you receive
  • your savings and income.

If we can help, you may have to pay for some, or all, of your care and support, you'll receive a personal budget from us.

If you are unable to receive help from us, we can advise you of other services in the community that may be available to you and could be free. We can also advise how you can fund your own support.

If you are planning to move into a care home, you may be able to take out a loan with us to help pay for your care. This could also cover any 'top up' payments, which are required if you choose care accommodation that is more expensive than your personal budget allows. Family members are also able to make 'top up' payments on your behalf.

Step 3 - Planning your care

Once we know what your needs are, and how you will pay for your care, we'll help you put together a care and support plan.

This could include things to help you:

How to contact adult social care services

The Community Health and Social Care Hub is the contact for anyone that would like further information or advice on adult social care and support services available in Kirklees.

Contact adult social care services

Better Care Support

Visit Better Care Support to complete an online self-assessment and access resources and support that will help you live independently.

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