Hearing loss can be temporary or permanent and can affect all age groups. It may be caused by various factors. These can include:

  • genetics
  • old age
  • exposure to noise
  • infections
  • birth complications
  • trauma to the ear
  • certain medications or toxins

Hearing loss may be gradual. Common symptoms noticed by people with gradual hearing loss include things like difficulty hearing the TV or a conversation in a noisy environment. Another common effect of hearing loss is continual ringing in the ear, caused by conditions such as tinnitus.

Viral infections of the inner ear can cause sudden hearing loss.

If you feel that your hearing is getting worse, then you need to make an appointment with your GP.

More information: NHS: Hearing loss


British Sign Language offers courses to learn British Sign Language (BSL).

When you access services, you may require an interpreter to meet your hearing needs. You should contact the provider of that service to arrange interpretation.

Getting support

  • Sensory services can provide an assessment to discuss your sensory needs. If appropriate they can then provide a variety of advice and equipment to help you live safely and independently.
  • RNID is the national charity supporting people in the UK who are deaf, have hearing loss or tinnitus.
  • Hearing Dogs for Deaf People is a charity that trains and matches guide dogs with deaf people. If you have a severe hearing impairment, you may want to consider a hearing dog to support you to live independently.
  • deafPLUS is a national charity providing support for deaf people to engage fully in today's society.
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