Home adaptations
Adaptations are changes that can be made to your home to make it safer and easier for you to move around and do everyday tasks.
The service is provided for people of any age with a health need who are struggling in their home environment - this includes children with a disability. We work with people living in any type of housing including those who may rent or who own their own home.
Getting adaptations from us
Finding out what you need is the first stage, and we can only adapt your home after your needs have been assessed.
An occupational therapist or other assessor will visit you in your home to assess your needs and provide advice. They'll ask you questions and see how you manage in your home and see what you struggle with. You'll work out what help you need together.
Types of adaptations
Following an assessment, the assessor may recommend adaptations to your home. If you rent your home, you will need permission from your landlord before we can carry out any adaptations. We can discuss this with you and your landlord further to explain the process and any works needed.
Adaptation examples
Adaptations come in all shapes and sizes and will need to be tailored to individual needs. They help you to remain or increase your independence, for example bathing, toileting or access around the home. They could also support your family/carers.
Examples of adaptations can include:
- Grab rails
- Shallow steps
- Bannister on the stairs
- Stair lifts
- Level access showers
- Widening doorways to allow wheelchair access or other mobility aids
- Lowering kitchen worktops
- Putting in an outdoor ramp
- More specialised safety adaptations and equipment - particularly for children including wall padding and window protectors
- Hoists
Paying for adaptations
After an assessment of your needs, we will check that adaptations are possible in your home. Where all recommended adaptations cost less than £5000 they can be provided free of charge.
Anything above this amount would be means tested (except adaptations for children), but may be eligible to be covered by a Disabled Facilities Grant or other financial support.
If you do not meet the criteria and/or you decide to fund adaptations yourself, we can still give you advice and support including a list of advisory contractors who have done this work before.
Alternatively you can find local traders you can trust on the Age UK Calderdale and Kirklees Trusted Traders Directory
How to contact us
Adaptations for adults (18 years old +)
How to contact adult social care services
Contact Accessible Homes Team
The Accessible Homes Team can also be contacted directly to make a self-referral or for additional advice regarding adaptations.
Open Monday to Friday: 8:30am - 5pm dedicated duty officer is available 10:00am-3:30pm.
Adaptations for children (under 18)
We accept self-referrals from parents/carers. You will be asked for information regarding your child's medical diagnosis and a brief summary of the issues experienced at home.
Contact Accessible Homes Team
The Accessible Homes Team can also be contacted directly to make a self-referral or for additional advice regarding adaptations.
Open Monday to Friday: 8:30am - 5pm dedicated duty officer is available 10:00am-3:30pm.
How to contact adult social care services
The Community Health and Social Care Hub is the contact for anyone that would like further information or advice on adult social care and support services available in Kirklees.