How to apply

There are two ways to apply for a rented housing association property.

  1. You can contact the housing association and apply to them directly.
  2. You can also bid on housing association properties when they are advertised through our Choose 'n' Move scheme.

Fill in our simple online form.

Clock Completing this form takes around 30 to 60 minutes

Paperclip To complete this form you will need to provide the following:

  • Information about your immigration status
  • Names and dates of birth for everyone on the application
  • Your National Insurance Number
  • Details of all the places you have lived in the past 5 years
  • Details of any homes you have owned or have any interest in
Join the housing register

After you've applied

When an application is registered we will contact you within 6 working days to inform you of:

  • Your Choose'n' Move membership number and password (PIN).
  • The size of property to which you are entitled.
  • The housing need band that you have been awarded.
  • How to bid for properties on Choose 'n' Move.
Housing associations in Kirklees
Housing association apply direct Who do they help
Affordable homes, general needs, family homes, extra care housing
Single people, families and older people
Older people aged 55 and above, sheltered housing, extra care housing, people with support needs
Older people aged 55 and above, Residential care, Respite Care, Dementia Care, Emergency care and Housing with care
Older people aged 55 and above, retirement housing, extra care, downsizer homes
Single people, families, older people, retirement housing and people with support needs
Older people aged 65 and above, retirement housing, extra care
Affordable homes for those in need
Older people aged 55 and over, retirement housing, shared ownership and people with support needs
Homes for social and affordable rent and shared ownership homes
Specialise in housing single people, families, older people and provide housing with low level support
Affordable rent and shared ownership homes
Adults with mental health issues and learning disabilities, supported housing, residential care
Single people, families, older people, retirement housing, supported housing and people with support needs
Single people, families, older people and people with support needs
Supporting BME communities while building sustainable neighbourhoods
Affordable homes, independent living, shared ownership homes
Affordable housing for all
Older people aged 55 and above, retirement housing, extra care, sheltered and supported accommodation
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