To licence a new vehicle with Kirklees Council, you must first ensure that your vehicle:

  • meets the Kirklees Council Vehicle Specification
  • complies with the emission standards for newly licensed vehicles:
    • Euro 5 standard for petrol vehicles
    • Euro 6 standard for diesel vehicles
  • New private hire vehicles cannot be white

Once you have confirmed your vehicle meets these standards, you must have your vehicle compliance tested at a Kirklees Council garage.

Vehicle age limits

  • Vehicles that do not meet the Euro 5 standard for petrol or Euro 6 standard for diesel can be licenced to the maximum age of 10 years, from the date of first registration.
  • Vehicles that meet the Euro 5 standard for petrol or Euro 6 standard for diesel can be licensed to the maximum age of 13 years, from the date of first registration.
  • Wheelchair accessible or ultra-low emission vehicles (vehicles that emits 75g/km CO2 or less) can be licensed to the maximum age of 16 years, from the date of first registration.
  • Fully Electric vehicles can be licensed to the maximum age of 20 years, from the date of first registration.

All vehicles are required to have a vehicle compliance test prior to the issue of the first licence and one annually prior to the vehicle renewal for the duration of that vehicle licence. Vehicles can be subject to up to 3 vehicle compliance tests per year for safety and condition reasons when required.

Make an appointment to have your vehicle compliance tested at a Kirklees Council garage

Complete this form to book an appointment online. Compliance test bookings will no longer be taken over the telephone. If you have any issues with the online booking system, please contact transport services on 01484 221000.

Clock Completing this form takes around 15 minutes

Paperclip To complete this form you will need a debit or credit card to pay the cost of the taxi compliance test

Please be aware the cost of the taxi Compliance test is £55.00, and the cost of the taxi compliance test with a public MOT certificate is £60.00.

If you are booking an appointment more than 3 weeks prior to the expiry of your licence and you check the calendars and cannot get an appointment before your licence expires you may be eligible to ask for a private MOT. If you cannot get an appointment and it is more than 3 weeks before your licence expires, please email to make a request for a private MOT

If you are booking an appointment for a new vehicle and you require this as an emergency, the criterion for an emergency is if your existing vehicle is broken down beyond repair, your existing vehicle has been in an accident or your existing vehicle has reached the upper age limit and will no longer qualify to be licensed. If you cannot get an appointment within 7 days, you can email to make a request to go for a private MOT.

Any vehicles that are permitted to go for a private MOT will be required to have a compliance inspection by licensing officers prior to the issue of a licence which will cost £15.83.

Please do not book an appointment if you are going to ask to go for a private MOT as failure to cancel this appointment will result in you not being entitled to a refund, if there are available appointments or you do not meet the criterion cited above your request will be rejected. If your request is approved the MOT test certificate must be dated after the date the private MOT is agreed.

Book your appointment online

After you have made your appointment

You will receive an email confirmation of the date, time, and location of your appointment. Please arrive for your appointment promptly, if you are late your vehicle may not be tested and you will be required to book and pay for a new test appointment.

How to apply

Fill in our online form

Clock Completing this form takes around 15 minutes

To complete this form you will need:

  • A completed garage certificate
  • A certificate of insurance, cover note or schedule for fleet policies
  • A V5 Certificate (log book) in the name of the vehicle licence holder
  • An operator letter confirming that you and your vehicle work through them
  • An IVA certificate for modified vehicles
  • An autolign certificate if your vehicle has been declared a CAT S total insurance loss
  • A debit or credit card to pay the £195.61 fee.

Please be aware the online application process is only available for New Private Hire Vehicles.

Apply online

For Hackney Carriage New Vehicles, please complete the New Vehicle Licence application form.
Then email this, with the supporting documents, to

After you have applied

The licensing service will contact you to arrange a time for you to collect your documentation and new vehicle signage.


Contact Licensing

  • Kirklees Council
  • Address Licensing Service, PO Box 1720, Huddersfield, HD1 9EL
  • Phone 01484 456868
  • Email
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