Adopted Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs)
Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) provide guidance to support the implementation of development plan policies such as those in the Kirklees Local Plan.
These SPDs aim to provide clarity and deliver a higher standard of design in developments within Kirklees as part of the council's aspiration to promote the delivery of high quality places. The detailed guidance is to be used early in the design, layout and planning of new developments.
When applying the guidance set out in the SPDs a 'comply or justify' approach will be used. Proposals which comply with the guidance are more likely to progress through the planning process quickly and successfully. Proposals which depart from the guidance will need to provide full justification. For new developments, the council will welcome innovative and contemporary designs which are appropriate to the site context and which make a positive contribution to the appearance and character of the area.
Affordable Housing and Housing mix Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
The Kirklees Affordable Housing and Housing Mix SPD, adopted on 14 March 2023, provides guidance on the implementation of the Kirklees Local Plan Housing Mix and Affordable Housing Policy (LP11) which seeks to ensure provision of affordable housing in new housing developments and ensure that the housing mix meets local needs.
- Affordable Housing and Housing Mix SPD
- Errata Note This note has been produced to correct factual reference errors relating to the government's Technical housing standards nationally described space standards
- Affordable Housing and Housing Mix SPD Adoption Statement
- Affordable Housing and Housing Mix Consultation Statement
Evidence Documents
- Kirklees Transfer Values Viability Assessment
- Viability Assessment: Kirklees Draft Affordable Housing and Housing Mix SPD
The council has also published a First Homes Position Statement (December 2021)
The Council charges a fee to process applications to buy Affordable Home Ownership (AHO) homes, such as Starter Homes, Discount Market Sale (DMS) homes and First Homes. This fee charging was approved at Cabinet on 27 June 2023: Affordable Home Ownership Fee Charging
Hot Food Takeaway SPD
The Kirklees Hot Food Takeaway SPD, adopted on 21 September 2022, provides further guidance to businesses and the local community on how the Local Planning Authority will assess planning applications for new hot food takeaways under Local Plan policies LP16 (Food and drink uses and the evening economy) and LP47 (Healthy, active and safe lifestyles) and how decisions will be made which balance the need to consider the vitality and viability of centres whilst promoting healthy, active and safe lifestyles.
For all supporting files visit the Kirklees Council Planning Consultations website.
Kirklees Housebuilders Design Guide SPD
The Kirklees Housebuilders Design Guide SPD, adopted on 29 June 2021, is intended for use by residential developers. It aims to ensure future housing development is high quality, socially inclusive and built to high environmental standards. It provides guidance for housing developers on working with the Council at the outset of the development process to meet our aspiration of achieving quality places.
- Housebuilders Design Guide SPD
- Housebuilders Design Guide Adoption Statement
- Housebuilders Design Guide SPD Consultation Statement
Kirklees House Extension and Alterations SPD
The Kirklees House Extension and Alterations SPD, adopted on 29 June 2021, has been prepared to guide householders, developers, agents and architects. It helps those planning and designing an extension or alterations (householder development) to an existing residential property. This includes conservatories and outbuildings, such as garages. It provides detailed guidance on the standard of development required to help achieve a well-designed house extension or alteration.
- House Extensions and Alterations SPD
- House Extensions and Alterations SPD Adoption Statement
- House Extensions and Alterations SPD Consultation Statement
Kirklees Open Space SPD
The Kirklees Open Space SPD, adopted on 29 June 2021, provides detailed guidance for applicants and the local community on the requirements for open space, sports and recreation provision to serve new housing developments. It sets out a step-by-step approach to be used to determine the types, amount and location of open space required to serve new housing developments across Kirklees.
- Open Space SPD
- 2024/2025 Open Space SPD updated financial contribution rates - This note updates the rates used to calculate the financial contributions relating to different types of open space set out in the Kirklees Open Space Supplementary Planning Document (adopted June 2021).
- Open Space SPD Adoption Statement
- Open Space SPD Consultation Statement
Kirklees Highway Design Guide SPD
The Kirklees Highway Design Guide SPD, adopted on 4 November 2019, aims to promote high standards of highway design. These must reflect nationally recognised best-practice, and facilitate the delivery of high quality residential, employment and mixed-use developments in Kirklees. This SPD is relevant to all aspects of the built environment. The Highway Design Guide SPD helps to encourage good design in terms of how developments, routes and spaces relate to one another to create streets and public spaces that are safe, accessible, and pleasant to use.
- Highway Design Guide SPD
- Highway Design Guide Adoption Statement
- Highway Design Guide Consultation Statement
This document, adopted on 21 September 2007, supports the initiative for the Kirklees Strategic Economic Zone to promote new business development.
It explains how financial contributions will be secured at the time of the submission of planning applications. The contributions will help to pay for a transport strategy to improve the A62/A644. This SPD was adopted based on the Kirklees Unitary Development Plan (now revoked). The content can still be given limited weight in the planning decision-making process as a Cabinet-approved document, but it no longer has the weight of an SPD. The adopted Local Plan sets out major highway infrastructure requirements. Where new developments are identified as having an impact on the highway network the Local Planning Authority will seek to secure mitigation including using identified Local Plan Transport Schemes as the basis for securing contributions to major road infrastructure as part of the planning applications process.