Guidance and advice notes
- Kirklees Interim Housing Position Statement to Boost Supply
- Climate Change Guidance for Planning Applications
- Climate Change Guidance for Planning Applications - Climate Change Statement Template
- Dewsbury Repairs Leaflet
- Dewsbury Design Guide
- Dewsbury Conservation Area guidance - May 2020
- Public art policy
- Going Smokefree - A planning advice note on smoking shelters and related features
- Guidance notes on noise, odour and air quality control for residential developments in town centres
- Rapid Health Impact Assessment (HIA) for spatial planning
- Rapid Health Impact Assessment for Spatial Planning template
- Planning application supporting guidance for trees
- Street naming and numbering
- Waste management design guide for new developments
- Affordable Housing and Housing Mix SPD
- Hot Food Takeaway SPD
- Housebuilders Design Guide SPD
- House Extensions and Alterations SPD
- Open Space SPD
- Highway Design Guide SPD
- Negotiating Financial Contributions for Transport Improvements (Leeds Road, Huddersfield) SPD
The Negotiating Financial Contributions for Transport Improvements (Leeds Road, Huddersfield) SPD was adopted based on the Kirklees Unitary Development Plan (now revoked). The content can still be given limited weight in the planning decision-making process as a Cabinet-approved document but it no longer has the weight of an SPD. The adopted Local Plan sets out major highway infrastructure requirements. Where new developments are identified as having an impact on the highway network the Local Planning Authority will seek to secure mitigation including using identified Local Plan Transport Schemes as the basis for securing contributions to major road infrastructure as part of the planning applications process.
These SPG were adopted based on the Kirklees Unitary Development Plan (now revoked). Their content can still be afforded limited weight in the planning decision-making process as a Cabinet approved document but they no longer have the weight of SPG.
For more information visit our Biodiversity Net Gain guidance for developers
- Biodiversity Net Gain Technical Advice Note
- Biodiversity Net Gain Technical Advice Note Consultation Statement
The Kirklees Biodiversity Net Gain Technical Advice Note, approved on 29 June 2021, provides clarity for applicants on how to achieve biodiversity net gain through development within Kirklees and supports national and local legislation. It sets out clear guidance on how biodiversity should be considered throughout the development process. This includes the utilization of Defra's Biodiversity metric to demonstrate a 10% net gain in biodiversity which is due to be mandated by the Environment Bill.