The plan and guidance aim to identify heritage within Huddersfield Town Centre's conservation area, setting out a series of management proposals and tools to support heritage-led regeneration projects within our blueprints and beyond.

What the plans will do

Once adopted, this guidance and its associated material planning considerations will lay out:

  • How existing buildings can be developed
  • How the existing architecture will be protected and maintained
  • What characteristics new development out of the boundary should have
  • How a shopfront should look to include to characteristics of heritage buildings

With your feedback, we will be able to deliver a finalised appraisal, management plan and shopfront guidance. These will build a foundation for heritage-led decision-making to create a town centre people want to visit whilst protecting years of history.


Following the first round of public consultation, a second public consultation period including a public engagement workshop took place from Monday 9 December to Friday 20 December 2024. All responses will be collated and reviewed. Comments may be used to make amendments to the documents.

Consultation documents

Please note that the documents are not in an accessible format. If you do require assistance in accessing and reviewing the documents, please get in contact with Conservation and Design at and we can arrange a time for an in-person or phone meeting to talk through the documents or an arrangement which suits your requirements.

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