If you have been assessed as needing care and support, you will have to pay the cost of your care, unless you qualify for financial assistance.

How we work out how much you pay

Unlike health services, adult social care and support services are not free of charge and most people have to pay something towards the cost of their care.

  • If you have savings above £23,250 you will pay the full costs of your support. You will be referred to as self-funders.
  • Under £23,250 you will probably have to pay something towards the cost of your care.

You will have to complete a financial assessment which is a means test that takes your savings and benefits into account and tells you qualify for financial assistance or pay in full.

If you decline to do the financial assessment then you will be charged the full cost of your care.

Find out if you qualify for financial assistance

Find out if, or how much you will have to pay towards the cost of your care by completing an online financial assistance form.

Clock Completing this form takes around 20 minutes

Paperclip To complete this form you will need information about your income, capital and expenses.

Complete online

Phone For assisted support completing this form please call 01484 414933 and quote "Mini Financial Assessment"

After you've completed the form

You will get an early indication of how much you will pay towards the cost of your care.

Who doesn't pay for care

In some circumstances you will not need to have a financial assessment and you won't have to pay towards your care and support.

You will not have to pay if you:

  • receive support from Intermediate Care or Reablement Services, for example if you have a short period of care to help you after a stay in hospital
  • are receiving care and support under Section 117 of the Mental Health Act 2007
  • are receiving care and support under Continuing Health Care (CHC) funding by the NHS
  • have needs which can be met by equipment or a minor adaptation, to help you to continue living at home
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