Publication scheme
The Freedom of Information Act requires all public authorities, including Kirklees Council, to adopt and maintain a publication scheme. The scheme aims to let everyone know what information is automatically, or routinely, published by the Council.
Agendas, officer's reports, background papers and minutes of council committee, sub committee and standing forum meetings.
Information and data about Kirklees
Contact us
Contact a service or department
Council constitution
Council democratic structure
Service delivery
Voting and elections
This section deals with financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, tendering, procurement and contracts.
- Approved premises for marriage and civil partnership ceremonies
- Building regulations
- Common land and village greens
- Community Directory
- Conservation
- Disruptions, closures and weather
- Land ownership
- Licensing
- Museums
- Planning
- Policies and strategies
- Public rights of way
- Roadworks
- Schools
- Services
- Sport exercise and healthy eating