Budget and accounts
Budget 2025-2026
A consultation took place between 11 December 2024 and 15 January 2025.
2025-26 Annual budget consultation supporting information
Saving proposals
Equality impact assessments
We know the changes we are talking about will affect some groups of residents more than others. When thinking about our budget options, we always consider what they could mean for different communities. We recognise that our community is made up of people with varying needs, and we believe it's important to consider a range of views when planning your council's budget.
The equality impact assessments help us understand the potential impact of our budget options for people. We will also be talking to specific groups about what this could mean for them as part of this consultation.
Previous budgets
The council's budget for 2023-24 was decided on Wednesday 8 march 2023. Council budget report 2023-24
- Council Budget Report 2020-23 incorporating Capital, Treasury Management, General Fund Revenue and Housing Revenue Account
- Revenue Budgets 2016-17, 2017-18 and 2018-19 as approved at Council 17 February 2016
- Summary Budget Book 2016-17, 2017-18 and 2018-19
- Medium Term Financial Plan 2016-2019: Draft Budget
- Capital Investment Plan - 5 Year Plan 2016/17 to 2020/21 as approved at Council 17 February 2016
- Capital Investment Plan - 5 Year Plan 2016/17 to 2020/21 Inclusive of Rollover from 2015/16, as approved at Council 29 June 2016
- The council's budget: Where does the money go?
Summaries of accounts
Statements of accounts
- Statement of accounts 2023-2024
- Annual Governance Statement 2023-24
- Public Notice Audit of Accounts 2023-24
- Audit Report 2022-2023
- Statement of accounts 2022-2023
- Statement of accounts 2021-2022
- Statement of accounts 2020-2021
- Statement of accounts 2019-20
- Final statement of accounts 2018-19
- Conclusion of Audit 2018-19
- Statement of accounts 2017-18 (Incorporating the Annual Governance Statement)
- Audit Report 2016-17
- Statement of accounts 2016-17 (Incorporating the Annual Governance Statement)
- Statement of Accounts 2015-2016 (Incorporating the Annual Governance Statement)
- Statement of Accounts 2014-2015 (Incorporating the Annual Governance Statement)
- Statement of Accounts 2013-2014 (Incorporating the Annual Governance Statement)
- Statement of Accounts 2012-2013 (Incorporating the Annual Governance Statement)
- Statement of Accounts 2011-2012 (Incorporating the Annual Governance Statement)
- Statement of Accounts 2010-2011 (Incorporating the Annual Governance Statement)
- Statement of Accounts 2009-2010
- Statement of Accounts 2008-2009
- Statement of Accounts 2007-2008
- Statement of Accounts 2006-2007
- Statement of Accounts 2005-2006