Prevent projects and resources
The Prevent Hub can help communities and education establishments develop and deliver a project, resource or tool to raise awareness of the dangers of extremism and radicalisation.
A project can range from one off sessions to weekly sessions that are embedded within the community or within a school curriculum. Not all resources and learning specifically refer to radicalisation, extremism or terrorism but cover learning outcomes to build resilience to radicalisation and other forms of harm by focusing on:
- Beliefs and values
- Identify
- Developing empathy
- Risk identification and management
- The development of critical thinking skills
- Understanding influence, persuasion and manipulation
- Assessing and evaluating fact from fiction
Example projects delivered in Kirklees
Community based projects
A Women's engagement group raising awareness of Prevent, radicalisation and extremism.
Local women's groups counter narrative to Daesh
Extreme organisations will openly use propaganda to influence and recruit individuals in an attempt share an ideology or join a cause. Through the use of dialogue and group work, participants will be equipped with the skills and knowledge to critically assess, explore and challenge material and content both online and offline. Participants will learn how to apply adequate privacy and filtering settings, encourage safe dialogue between individuals and raise awareness of the importance of reporting concerning material. They will observe images and learn how to use their critical thinking skills to assess the origins of the material, how it has been created and what its purpose may be.
This e-safety themed workshop will explore the dangers posed by online radicalisation, extremism, grooming and hate crime. Sessions will enable participants to:
- Build awareness around strategies used by perpetrators
- Understand the techniques used online to spread hate messages
- Reduce vulnerabilities and increase resilience around online safety
- Develop critical thinking skills
- Gain skills to apply safety settings on social media devices & more.
Sessions are aimed at parents to increase their confidence in talking to children about online safety and how to stay safe online.
School based projects
The THINK Project by Ethnic Youth Support Team was delivered in seven Primary Schools in North Kirklees between November 2015 and April 2016 in conjunction with the Kirklees Prevent Hub. The workshops enabled young people to explore topics such as stereotypes, misinformation and prejudicial views in a safe and open environment through the use of small group activities and whole group discussions. The aims of the THINK sessions were to:
- equip young people with an understanding of what stereotyping means and the dangers of stereotypes
- provide young people with an opportunity to consider their opinion, where they get their information from and how opinions are formed
- help young people to recognise that information in the media, online or from family and friends can sometimes be biased or false
- illustrate how easily divisions can be created between groups of people, which can escalate into conflict, and how to deal with it
- help young people to think critically about the information they receive, to build resilience to approaches from negative groups and to reject prejudice and hate
Second Thoughts
The Second Thoughts project provided a platform for young people to develop the skills they need to think critically so they can reject negative and damaging views. The workshops link with the English and Citizenship curriculum by:
- promoting the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils
- preparing pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life
Second thoughts was delivered separately in two secondary schools engaging approximately 270 students over two sessions.
The Respect Programme is a series of interactive sessions utilising videos and other forms of learning to provide a safe space for young people to discuss issues such as:
- Stereotypes
- British values
- Extremism
- Propaganda
- Safe internet surfing.
These sessions empower young people to develop their critical thinking skills, promote respect and understanding of others and allow them to bring about change in a positive way. This programme has been delivered to nearly 1500 young people in Kirklees
In Year 1 and 2 students explore the similarities and differences that there are in the class and the local community and discuss/create ideas in how they can contribute to putting a stop to all forms of hate crime. Year 3 and 4 explore the elements that make us unique as individuals and celebrate this through creating their own unique new member of the class. They also undertake role play activities in order to explore how it might feel to be 'different' to your peers, and how they can take responsibility for including all class members. In Year 5 and 6 students explore their online safety and the risks, dangers and hazards that the online world provided. They also look at some stereotypes that are commonly seen online and think about ways in which they could positively challenge these.
This workshop is a great introduction to Radicalisation for upper KS2 students and explores the ways in which people can be persuaded to do something, and then likens this to the process of radicalisation. The workshop includes a video of a new Year 7 student, Johnny, who is making a documentary about his first week at High School for a YouTube competition. Through the video the students will see the process of how Johnny is radicalised through the online world and discuss how they can keep themselves.
Within this 20 minute assembly students will analyse the purpose of propaganda and how it is used on a mass scale within the media industry as a whole. They will then focus on how extremist organisations use propaganda material to fuel the division across communities. Students observe images and videos from both Far Right groups, in particular Britain First, as well as Da'esh propaganda. They are encouraged to use their critical thinking skills to assess the origins of the material, how it has been created and what its purpose may be. An example of this is the video clip posted by Paul Golding following the Paris attacks in 2015. The video recording claims to contain footage of Muslims celebrating in central London as the news of the attack broke. In fact the footage was recorded in 2009 following Pakistan's victory in the 20/20.
My Former Life is a video based resource which explores the case studies of four former extremists; Don (IRA), Arno (White Supremacist), Yasmin (Al muhajiroun), Manwah (Mujahideen of Afghanistan). The film and accompanying resource explore the formers' personal and political motivations for getting involved in violent conflict, the consequences of their actions, and their departure from a life of extremism. MY FORMER LIFE combines the exploration of real-life stories with interactive and participatory exercises designed to raise self-awareness. This approach empowers participants to internalise the learning and develop personal strategies to develop their skills in building awareness of and resistance to destructive ideologies. The package is divided into 6 x 1-hour sessions, which can either be delivered as a drop-down day or through a weekly 1-hour slot for a half term.
Extreme Dialogue is a series of unique real life films which explore the lives of former extremists and their journeys through radicalisation. The films put faces and names to a range of experiences of extremism and marginalisation. They also provide positive and thought-provoking opportunities for starting conversations with young people about their own perspectives on the topic.
Our films include testimony from a former member of the UK Islamist group al-Muhajiroun, a mother from Calgary whose son was killed fighting for ISIS in Syria, an ex-Ulster Volunteer Force member whose father was killed by the IRA, and a former member of the extreme far-right in Canada. We also hear from a member of the Roma community who experienced racism in Hungary, a young woman who sought refuge from conflict in her own country but was bullied at school for wearing a headscarf and a Syrian refugee who is on ISIS's most-wanted list.
Each story can be delivered as a 2-3 hour workshop for students in KS3, 4 or 5.
If you would like the Prevent Team to deliver a tailor made session, on a specific area of extremism/radicalisation then please get in touch - we would love to hear from you!
Education Bulletin, which will be produced each term.
Other resources
See some of our other resources and projects
Prevent resources for:
- Safer giving advice for Syria Charity Commission for England and Wales
Advice for the public and charities that want to support humanitarian work in Syria.
- Educate Against Hate - For parents
- Digitally Confident - Safeguarding Children Online
- ACT Early - Guidance and support for the loved ones of those who may be vulnerable to radicalisation and extremism
- The Times and the NSPCC - How should you talk to your children about terrorism?
- Support for children, parents and teachers: victims of terrorism GOV.UK
Guidance and procedures
- Protecting children from radicalisation: the Prevent duty GOV.UK
- Teaching approaches that help to build resilience to extremism among young people GOV.UK
- Support for children, parents and teachers: victims of terrorism GOV.UK
Lesson plans and teaching resources
- ACT Association for Citizenship Teaching The Deliberative Classroom: Topical Debating Resources and Teacher Guidance
- Prevent for schools A variety of practical materials and broader guidance to support schools with educating and safeguarding pupils against the dangers of radicalisation and violent extremism.
- Educate Against Hate - For teachers Resources to help you understand extremism and your responsibilities as a teacher.
- Education and Training Foundation to help students understand extremism and radicalisation
Social media
Contact us
If you would like us to work with you on a project or would like some resources please contact the Kirklees Prevent Hub to discuss your ideas, project or requirements.
- Kirklees Prevent Hub Phone 01924 483747
- Email
- Twitter @Kirkleesprevent