This tool uses data on public health outcomes to give a picture of the current health and wellbeing of a local area. It uses indicators which could be negatively impacted by the availability of a hot food takeaway, for instance in relation to obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. It is part of Kirklees Council's Hot Food Takeaway Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), which was adopted on 21 September 2022.

Adopted supplementary planning documents.

Who the toolkit is for

The tool can be used by planners, developers, business owners, elected members and members of the public, to understand the potential risks of a new hot food takeaway in an area. It is also currently used by Kirklees Council's public health team, to directly inform their responses to planning applications with a hot food takeaway component.

How to use the toolkit

Enter the postcode of the proposed premises. This will then give:

  • the available data for that postcode.
  • a score for each indicator and a total score for the proposed premises at the bottom of the page.
  • a recommendation to either accept or reject any application for this postcode, which will depend on whether the score is above or below the threshold level of 20.

A recommendation of 'reject' means:

  • there are a number of health indicators which are worse than the Kirklees average.
  • careful consideration should be given to the application due to the potential adverse health impacts of an additional hot food takeaway in this location.

Use the toolkit

Enter your postcode on our online form for the proposed premises.

Clock Completing this process takes around 5 minutes.

Use the toolkit

How the results are used

The total score and recommendation is used by the public health team to inform their response to any application for this postcode.

The score only informs the public health response and will not necessarily indicate the outcome of a planning application.

All planning decisions will take account of a range of factors and the reasons behind any decision will be clearly referenced in the relevant documents.

Acronyms, indicators and definitions


Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD): GOV UK: English indices of deprivation 2019

Lower Super Output Area (LSOA): Office of National Statistics: Census geography

Currently Living in Kirklees (CLiK): Currently Living in Kirklees (CLiK)

Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF): Quality and Outcomes Framework

National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP): The National Child Measurement Programme

Indicators and definitions

IMD rank

The rank of how deprived an LSOA is. LSOA's are ranked from 1 to 10 where 1 is the most deprived 10% of the population and 10 is the least deprived 90-100% of the population. Find out more information at The English Indices of Deprivation 2019

Adults overweight

This indicator was calculated from Q71 & Q72 of the CLiK survey. This determines the BMI of the participant and any BMI between 25-29.9 was determined as being overweight. Find out more information at NHS: What is body mass index (BMI)?

Adults obese

The GP Surgery establishes and maintains a register of patients aged 18 years or over living with obesity, appropriately adjusted for ethnicity in line with NICE guidelines - either with a BMI greater than or equal to 30 kg/m2 recorded in the preceding 12 months, or a BMI greater than or equal to 27.5 kg/m2 recorded in the preceding 12 months for patients with a South Asian, Chinese, other Asian, Middle Eastern, Black African or African-Caribbean family background. Please Note, this is a new definition that was introduced for the 2023/24 year of data therefore, regional average is yet to be established. Find out more information at: Fingertips public health profiles

5-year-olds and 11-year-olds with excess weight

Any child is determined to be carrying excess weight when their BMI is calculated to be in the 91st centile or above. A child's BMI is expressed as a "centile" to show how their BMI compares with children who took part in national surveys. For example, a girl on the 75th centile is heavier than 75 out of 100 other girls her age. Find out more information at The National Child Measurement Programme

Diabetes prevalence

Please see the QOF 2022-23: High dependency and other long term condition group to find out individuals counted in this indicator.

Coronary heart disease

Please see the QOF 2023-23: Cardiovascular group to find out individuals counted in this indicator.



This figure is comparing the indicator value for your postcode against others in Kirklees. If the data is at Ward level, the indicator value will be ranked between 1 and 23. If the data is at Lower Super Output Area (LSOA) level, the indicator value will be ranked between 1 and 260. The lower the number, the better the indicator value is compared to the rest of Kirklees. This means that there are lower incidences of the indicator in that area. The higher the number, the worse the indicator value is compared to the rest of Kirklees. This means that there a higher number of incidences of the indicator in that area.

Kirklees average

This figure is the average of all the Kirklees level data we hold for an indicator for a specific year. The year will always reflect the most recent full year of data that is available. This can be compared to the regional and England averages and to the indicator value for the postcode and the Kirklees benchmark.


This figure is the average for the region for an indicator. Each region is described in brackets after the value and includes which year the average is taken from. When N/A is shown next to region, there is no comparable regional value for that indicator as this indicator is calculated from a method unique to Kirklees i.e. the Currently Living in Kirklees (CLiK) Survey .


This figure is the average for England for an indicator. When N/A is shown next to region, there is no comparable value for England for that indicator as the indicator is calculated from a method unique to Kirklees i.e. the Currently Living in Kirklees (CLiK) Survey. Currently Living in Kirklees (CLiK) Survey .

Kirklees benchmark

The Kirklees benchmark figures for each of the below indicators are set values that were established at the initial creation of the Hot Food Takeaway Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) and the accompanying toolkit. These figures were established by using the 2021/22 Kirklees average for each indicator. Using these figures as the Kirklees benchmark for each indicator allows us to monitor changes in the health of the Kirklees population over time.


This figure is the number of points an indicator has scored for the postcode in question. This is determined by what the indicator value is and how it has compared to the Kirklees benchmark value. Anything meeting or exceeding the Kirklees benchmark will score points. The higher the indicator value above the Kirklees benchmark, the more points will be scored. Possible scores are 0, 2, 4 or 6 points.

Geographical indicators

  • Some indicators used in the tool may only be available at a particular geographic level. This will vary between indicators based on data collection and availability.
  • The geographic level at which an indicator is available is clearly referenced in the tool.
  • Regional and national averages for indicators are given for comparison, where this data is available.
  • Data sources and definitions are also included for context.

Contact us

Any questions about the use of the toolkit should be sent to: .

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