Support in later life
Plan for your retirement
As you get older, it is important to think about your finances. Financial support and debt advice has lots of advice and information about managing your money, along with any financial assistance you may be able to claim.
You may also find yourself becoming a carer. Carer's support has a variety of support to help with your caring role.
Getting out and about
If you are working less or have retired, think about volunteering and helping out in your local community.
We all like to keep busy and stay connected, so keep in touch with local groups, friends and family. Social activities and communities has lots of local groups and activities for you to take part in.
To help you to get out and about, there are a variety of concessions when using public transport. Transport includes those schemes and more.
Staying healthy
As you age, you are more likely to have a long-term condition or disability and may need support to maintain our independence and quality of life. Health and wellbeing has lots of information to help you stay healthy as you get older.
NHS England: Healthy ageing and caring provides guides on how to keep fit and independent, and staying healthy whilst caring.
An NHS Health Check spots early signs of stroke, kidney disease, heart disease, type 2 diabetes or dementia. As you get older, you have a higher risk of developing one of these conditions.
If you are 65 and over, you are entitled to a free flu jab every winter to help boost your immune system and fight off the flu. You may also be eligible for a COVID-19 vaccination. COVID-19 and flu vaccinations tells you about seasonal vaccination campaigns as they take place.
Hearing and vision loss
You may find you have trouble with your hearing or vision. This is a common issue amongst older people, but it should not stop you from doing the things you want to do.
Deafness and hearing impairment and visual impairment offer advice and support for people with hearing and vision loss.
Foot care
You are more prone to foot problems as you get older, so it is very important to take care of your feet. Age UK: How to look after your feet gives lots of guidance and lets you find their local foot care services.
Depending where you live and any conditions you have (such as diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis), it may be possible to have routine podiatry (also known as chiropody) treatment on the NHS. You should discuss this with your GP. GPs and health checks tells you what to do if you aren't registered with a GP.
Age UK
Age UK Calderdale and Kirklees is an independent local charity and been working in the local community to help older people for over 60 years. Age UK Calderdale and Kirklees: Our services tells you about the wide range of services, support, activities and opportunities to get involved.