The Local Government Boundary Commission for England has recently completed a review of the electoral wards of Kirklees. Following two rounds of public consultation, they published their final recommendations for Kirklees on the 10 December. The Commission has recommended that Kirklees remains covered by 23 wards and each ward shall have three Councillors each. The final recommendations will be laid before Parliament in early 2025 for approval. Once they have been approved, the new wards will take affect at the next local elections in 2026. As we will have new warding arrangements, all 69 Councillors will be up for election in May 2026.

All the details including the full report and an interactive map can be accessed by on Kirklees final recommendations .

Interim Polling District and Places Review

The Council has a duty to divide its area into polling districts and to designate a polling place for each district, where the polling station will be located.

Ahead of the implementation of the new wards in 2026, polling districts and polling stations will need to be reviewed to ensure that they align with the new warding arrangements. This review will be delivered by Kirklees and will formally commence in the spring. The review is designed to see if the polling districts and polling places in Kirklees are arranged to suit the needs of voters and covers the following:

  • The polling district boundaries within each ward in the area
  • The location of the polling place and station in each polling district
  • The access to each polling station

The notice of review will be published on the 25 March and a public consultation will be launched for a period of 4 weeks to invite residents to have their say on our initial proposals for polling station and polling district arrangements.

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