Changes to the Definitive Map and Statement
Public rights of way are highways that are protected by law, which are recorded on the Definitive Map and Statement.
Changes to the Definitive Map and Statement can only be made by a legal order.
Types of order
These include:
Public Path Orders (PPO)
For example:
- Diversion under section 119 of the Highways Act 1980, where the order is in the interest of the landowner or the public.
- Diversion under section 257 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, to allow for development to take place. This would normally be used where a planning permission has been granted which would require a change to the public right of way.
Definitive Map Modification Orders (DMMO)
Definitive Map Modification orders under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 may add, delete, upgrade or downgrade a right of way, or may vary the particulars of the record.
Preliminary consultations and investigations
Unless otherwise indicated, send comments to:
- Kirklees Council
- Address Public rights of way, PO Box 1720, Huddersfield, HD1 9EL
- Email
Formal orders
Unless otherwise indicated, send objections or representations to:
- Legal Governance and Monitoring
- Address Kirklees Council, 2nd Floor, High Street Buildings, Huddersfield, HD1 2ND
- Email
- Public footpaths Meltham 26 (PART) & 79 (PART) at WM Morrison Store, Station Street, Meltham. Public Path Diversion Order 2022 - Notice
- Public footpaths Meltham 26 (PART) & 79 (PART) at WM Morrison Store, Station Street, Meltham. Public Path Diversion Order 2022 - Order
- Public footpaths Meltham 26 (PART) & 79 (PART) at WM Morrison Store, Station Street, Meltham. Public Path Diversion Order 2022 - Statement of Reasons
- Stopping up of footpaths and provision of alternative routes at Kenmore Drive, Kenmore View, Milton Terrace and Rooks Avenue, Cleckheaton - Notice
- Stopping up of footpaths and provision of alternative routes at Kenmore Drive, Kenmore View, Milton Terrace and Rooks Avenue, Cleckheaton - Order
- Stopping up of footpaths and provision of alternative routes at Kenmore Drive, Kenmore View, Milton Terrace and Rooks Avenue, Cleckheaton - Statement of Reasons
- Colne Valley 198 (Part) at Owlers Farm, Manchester Road, Marsden - Notice
- Colne Valley 198 (Part) at Owlers Farm, Manchester Road, Marsden - Order
- Colne Valley 198 (Part) at Owlers Farm, Manchester Road, Marsden - Plan
- Colne Valley 198 (Part) at Owlers Farm, Manchester Road, Marsden - Reason Statement
The Appendices referred to at CD4 (the Statement of Grounds) can be found at the following links: