- Learner Handbook
- Tutor Handbook
- Appendix A - Safeguarding
- Appendix B - Health and safety
- Appendix B1 - Venue assessment
- Appendix B2 - Basic health and safety guidance
- Appendix B3 - Basic housekeeping arrangements
- Appendix B4 - Fire safety briefing
- Appendix B5 - Risk assessment
- Appendix B6 - Seasonal risk assessment template
- Appendix C - Learner information booklet
- Appendix D - IAG Tracking Grid
- Appendix E - Learner induction checklist
- Appendix F - How ILP records and informs
- Appendix G - Planning documents
- Appendix H - 3 is planning pro forma
- Appendix I - Assessment feedback checklist
- Appendix J - Progression policy
- Appendix K - Progression map
- Appendix L - Quality cycle
- Appendix M - Progression Policy
- Assessment activities
- Blooms taxonomy
- British values - individual liberty
- British values - rule of law
- British values - democracy
- British values - respect and tolerance
- Decisions - decisions differentiation
- Differentiation deviser
- Differentiation - what and how
- Expectations of tutors when visited
- Mental health awareness
- Pose pounce
- Ten strategies for differentiation
- ALK & KC Safeguarding Child Protection Policy For Schools Colleges 2022-24 (002)
- ALK - What are British Values 2022-2024
- ALK & KC Appendix A - Safeguarding 2022-2024
- ALK & KC Prevent Strategy 2022-25
- ALK & KC Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures 2022-2024
- ALK Acceptable Use Policy - Learners 2022-2024
- ALK Acceptable Use Policy - Staff 2022-2024
- ALK Invacuation and Lockdown Guidance 2022-2024
- ALK Online Safety Policy 2022-2024
- ALK Visiting Speaker Policy 2022-2024
- ALK & KC Commitment to the Environment 2022-2024
- ALK & KC Data Protection Policy 2022-2024
- ALK & KC Dignity and Respect at Work 2022-2024
- ALK & KC Document Record Retention And Disposal 2022-2024
- ALK & KC Inclusion, Diversity, Strategy Action Plan 2022-2024
- ALK & KC Lone Working Policy 2022-2024
- ALK & KC Whistleblowing Policy 2022-2024
- ALK and KC Volunteer Policy - Additional Guidance 2022-2024
- ALK and KC Volunteer Policy 2022-2024
- ALK Complaints Guidance 2022-2024
- ALK Freedom of Expression 2022-2024
- ALK Health and Wellbeing Guidance 2022-2024
- ALK Managing Allegations Guidance 2022-2024
- ALK Plagiarism Guidance 2022-2024
- ALK Progression Policy 2022-2024
- ALK Quality Cycle 2022-2024
- ALK SPAG Guidance 2022-2024
- Supply Chain 2022-2024
Contact adult learning
- Email adult.learning@kirklees.gov.uk
- Phone 01484 221000