Local Plan examination library, Section 1 - Submission documents
- SD1 - Kirklees Publication Draft Local Plan - Strategy and Policies
- SD2 - Kirklees Publication Draft Local Plan - Allocations and Designations
- SD3 - Kirklees Publication Draft Local Plan - Allocations and Designations Appendix 1 Town Centre Maps and Allocations and Designations Appendix 2 Policies Maps: Local Plan 2016 policies maps
- SD4 - List of Additional Modifications to the Publication Local Plan
- SD5 - Sustainability appraisal - full report
- SD5 - Annex 1 - Residential SA Matrices
- SD5 - Annex 2 - Employment SA Matrices
- SD5 - Annex 3 - Mixed Use SA Matrices
- SD5 - Annex 4 - Open Space SA Matrices
- SD5 - Annex 5 - Traveller Site SA Matrices
- SD5 - Annex 6 - Minerals Waste SA Matrices
- SD5 - Annex 7 - Policy Options SA Matrices
- SD6 - Kirklees Local Plan: Publication Draft Sustainability Appraisal Publication Erratum Notice (November 2016)
- SD7 - Kirklees Local Plan: Publication Draft Sustainability Appraisal Report - Addendum Notice (April 2017)
- SD8 - Kirklees Local Plan: Publication Draft Sustainability Appraisal Report Schedule of Responses (April 2017)
- SD9 - Kirklees Local Plan: Publication Draft Sustainability Appraisal Report None Technical Summary (October 2016)
- SD10 - Kirklees Local Plan: Publication Draft Local Plan: Habitats Regulation Assessment - March 2017
- SD11 - Kirklees Local Plan: Publication Draft Equality Impact Assessment
- SD12 - Kirklees Council Statement of Pre-submission Consultation November 2016
- SD13 - Statement of Publication Consultation and Summary of Main Issues (Regulation 22)
- SD14 - Duty to Co-operate Statement
- SD15 - Local Development Scheme - August 2016
- SD16 - Statement of Community Involvement - September 2015
- SD17 - Annual Monitoring Report 2015 - 2016
- SD18 - Strategic Housing Market Assessment October 2016
- SD19 - Green Belt Review - April 2017
- SD20 - Green Belt Edge Map, Batley and Spen - April 2017
- SD20 - Green Belt Edge Map, Dewsbury and Mirfield - April 2017
- SD20 - Green Belt Edge Map, Huddersfield - April 2017
- SD20 - Green Belt Edge Map, Kirklees Rural West - April 2017
- SD20 - Green Belt Edge Map, Kirklees Rural East - April 2017
- SD21 - Green Belt Boundary Changes - April 2017
- SD22 - Employment Technical Paper - April 2017
- SD23 - Housing Technical Paper - April 2017
- SD24 - Notice of Submission
- SD25 - Representations Received at Publication on the Strategy and Policy Document
- SD26 - Representations Received at Publication on the Allocations and Designations Document
- SD27 - Representations Received at Publication on the Rejected Sites Document
- SD28 - Representations Received at Publication on the Green Belt Boundary Changes Document
- SD29 - Representations Received at Publication on the Sustainability Appraisal
- SD30 - New Site Options Report - April 2017
- SD30.1 - New site options report - February 2018
- SD31 - Local Development Scheme - December 2017
Printed copies
Printed copies of the submission documents are also available for you to read at our customer service centres.