Local Plan examination library, Section 2 - Background papers (BP)
- BP1 - Kirklees Local Plan Legal Compliance Checklist
- BP2 - Kirklees Local Plan Soundness Self Assessment Checklist
- BP3 - Local Development Scheme 2014
- BP4 - LDF Statement of Community Involvement
- BP5 - Cabinet and Council Report 12th October 2016
- BP6 - Cabinet Report 6th October 2015
- BP7 - Cabinet Report 28th January 2014
- BP8 - Priority Employment Areas Methodology Paper
- BP9 - Minerals Technical Paper
- BP10 - Environmental designations technical paper
- BP11 - Infrastructure technical paper
- BP12 - Transport Model technical paper
- BP13 - Urban green space and local green space. Technical Paper
- BP14 - Renewable and low carbon energy
- BP15 - Town Centres Technical Paper
- BP16 - Town Centres Technical Paper - Appendix B
- BP17 - Settlement appraisal technical paper
- BP18 - Accessibility assessment annexe settlements A-G
- BP19 - Accessibility assessment annexe settlements H-L
- BP20 - Accessibility assessment annexe settlements M-R
- BP21 - Accessibility assessment annexe settlements S-W
- BP22 - Local Plan Methodology Statement Part 1
- BP23 - Local Plan Methodology Statement Part2
- BP24 - Flood Risk Technical Paper
- BP25 - Green Belt Review Supporting Document
- BP26 - Waste Technical Paper
- BP27 -Kirklees Local Plan Delivery Statement
- BP28 -Correspondance Received from Statutory Consultees after the Regulation 19 Publication Draft Local Plan Consultation
- BP29 - Accepted Site Options - Technical Appraisals
- BP29.1 - Accepted Site Options - Technical Appraisals - Revised July 17
- BP30 - Minerals Technical Paper (2016)
- BP31 - Review of SNH visual guidance 2014
- BP32 - Summary of Alan Macdonald visualisation guidance
- BP33 - Leeds City Council visualisation guidance