Local Plan examination library, Section 3 - Previous consultation documents (PC)
- PC1 - Local Plan Early Engagement Report
- PC2 - Kirklees Local Plan Early Engagement Questionnaire Analysis April 2014
- PC3 - Kirklees Local Plan Early Engagement Workshop Feedback Report July 2014
- PC4 - Shaping Our Local Plan Booklet November 2014 - "Kirklees the Place to Grow"
- PC5 - Shaping Our Local Plan Consultation Summary Booklet November 2015
- PC6 - Commenting on the Publication Draft Local Plan Booklet November 2016
- PC7 - Kirklees Draft Local Plan Strategy and Policies Document
- PC8 - Kirklees Draft Local Plan Allocations and Designations
- PC9 - Kirklees Draft Local Plan - Allocations and Designations Appendix 1 Town Centre Maps and Allocations and Designations Appendix 2 Policies Maps; PC10 - Kirklees Draft Local Plan: Green Belt Edge Maps: Local Plan 2015 policies maps
- PC11 - Kirklees Draft Local Plan Rejected Site Options Report
- PC12 - Kirklees Draft Local Plan Sustainability Report:
- Kirklees Draft Local Plan Sustainability Report, Annex 1 - Residential SA Matrices
- Kirklees Draft Local Plan Sustainability Report, Annex 2 - Employment SA Matrices
- Kirklees Draft Local Plan Sustainability Report, Annex 3 - Mixed Use SA Matrices
- Kirklees Draft Local Plan Sustainability Report, Annex 4 - Open Space SA Matrices
- Kirklees Draft Local Plan Sustainability Report, Annex 5 - Traveller Site SA Matrices
- Kirklees Draft Local Plan Sustainability Report, Annex 6 - Minerals Waste SA Matrices
- Kirklees Draft Local Plan Sustainability Report, Annex 7 - Policy Options SA Matrices
- Kirklees Draft Local Plan Sustainability Appraisal Erratum Notice
- PC13 - Representations Received From Draft Local Plan Consultation
- PC14 - Green Belt Review and Outcome November 2015