Children and employment

Chaperone Licence

We can only accept applications from residents of Kirklees. If you reside in another authority, please check their chaperone application process. Applicants must be 18 or over.


Please note right now we are experiencing very high volumes of Chaperone Applications, so please allow sufficient time for us to process your licence particularly if we need to apply for a new DBS certificate on your behalf.

How to apply

Fill in our simple online form.

ClockCompleting this form takes around 5 minutes

PaperclipTo complete this form you will need

  • Two references - details of your referees are requested on the online application
  • Completion of the e-learning safeguarding course - the certificate should be uploaded with your online application (how to complete this is detailed in the attached information pack)
  • An appointment to check ID for a new DBS/ sight of a DBS registered on the update service, briefing on chaperone duties and safeguarding information (once your completed application is received the Child Employment and Entertainment team will contact you to arrange this appointment)
Apply online

After you've applied

Once you have submitted the online application the Child Employment and Entertainment Team will receive a notification and will contact you to arrange an appointment and your referees will be contacted. For further information on the application process please refer to the Chaperone information pack.

A Code of Conduct & Guide for Licensed Chaperones

DBS Update Service

Kirklees Council requires all chaperones who have submitted a new DBS application to subscribe their DBS certificate to the online DBS update service. This system allows you to keep your DBS up to date on an annual basis. If you are a volunteer chaperone, this is a free service. If you are a paid chaperone, it costs £13 a year. It is your responsibility to keep this up to date. There is an automatic renewal option when you first subscribe to the service.

Register your DBS certificate

You will require the electronic reference number provided by Kirklees before the certificate is issued or the DBS certificate number. Subscription to the update service must be submitted within 30 days of your certificate being issued.

Should you wish to renew your chaperone licence, failure to register on the update service will result in a new DBS certificate being required. This will entail an administrative fee being charged for both volunteers and paid chaperones.

Performance Licence Applications

Any child from birth to the end of compulsory school age, who is performing will need a licence from the council, unless the production qualifies for a Body Of Persons Approval (detailed in the next section).

Performance includes:

  • theatre and pantomime
  • films, TV
  • commercials, video, internet for commercial purposes
  • band/choir/dance shows
  • modelling - all types, broadcast and non-broadcast
  • amateur drama productions
  • broadcast dance/singing competitions

A licence is required for both paid and unpaid performances.

A licence isn't required for children performing in a production produced by a school where they normally attend to receive their academic education.

Child performances are governed by legislation. Which includes:

The purpose of the licence is to ensure that all children are adequately safeguarded and supported.

Where a child will be absent from school to perform, the head teacher at the child's school must consent to the absence and provide a letter for the production company to include with their application to the council.

To apply for a licence, the production company downloads an application form. Part 1 of the form is completed by their representative. The child's parent or guardian completes Part 2. As the applicant, the production company submits both parts of the form, at least 10 working days before the first date of performance, to (please contact our team if you will be applying for multiple performance licences for the same production so we can advise on a time scale). Please see our child performance information and application pack.

The Local Authority has a duty under s11 Children Act 2004 to make arrangements to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. Therefore, Kirklees' assessment of an application involves:

  • ensuring the production has a robust child protection policy and a risk assessment in place,
  • making checks on all chaperones,
  • considering the impact of performing on any Education, Health & Care Plan that may be in place for the child,
  • liaising with schools regarding any education provision that the production may be required to provide for the child and making checks on any tutors engaged,
  • ensuring the travel time to and from the venue does not unnecessarily lengthen the child's day and accommodation is in place for the child and parent or chaperone.
  • ensuring a Data Sharing Agreement is completed by both production and talent agencies - should any safeguarding concerns require communicating to other relevant agencies

Body of Persons Approval (BOPA)

Under section 37(3)(b) of the Children and Young Persons Act 1963, a licence is not required for a performance given under arrangements made by 'a body of persons approved by the local authority where the performance is taking place.

A BOPA can be granted to an organisation for a single or series of performances. However, the BOPA is non-transferable: if one organisation invites another to an event they are producing, the producer would need to apply for a new BOPA under their own name.

You may apply for a BOPA if:

  • The children would not be receiving payment, nor would anyone else on their behalf
  • The children would not be missing school for rehearsals or performances

To apply for a BOPA you would need:

  • A completed BOPA application form
  • Registered chaperone details
  • A completed BOPA contract
  • Confirmation that a risk assessment has been completed
  • Copy of the organisation's Child Protection/Safeguarding policy

Note: There must be a ratio of at least one chaperone for every twelve children at all times. Please see our BOPA information, application and contract pack.

Children in Employment

Children of compulsory school age, working before or after school, on weekends and during school holidays must have a child employment permit issued by the council. The official school leaving date is the last Friday in June in the school year in which the child has his or her 16th birthday.

Under the Children and Young Persons Act 1933, to work part time, a child:

  • Must be at least 13 years old
  • Cannot work during school hours
  • Can only work between 7am and 7pm
  • Can only work two hours per day on school days and Sundays
  • Can only work 12 hours per week during school term time
  • Must have a break of one hour after four continuous hours of working

There are prohibited types of employment for school age children which are listed in the information and application pack.

Application process

Employers application form for a work permit to employ a young person

A complete application includes:

  • Application form completed and signed by the employer (part 1) and parent (part 2)
  • Recent photograph of the child. A new photo is required for every work permit application made for the child
  • Confirmation that a Young Person's risk assessment has been completed
  • A copy of the Job specification/description where requested
  • Further supporting documents/information if requested

Concerns about a young person working

Raise a concern about a child working

Fill in our simple online form.

Clock Completing this form takes around 15 minutes

Raise a concern

After you've applied

We will review the referral and the concerns you have made about a child working.