A robust evidence base has been developed to help inform the Climate Change Action Plan for Kirklees, covering both mitigation and adaptation to climate change.

Net zero assessment

This report sets out the basis for how Kirklees could become a net-zero district by 2038, based on actions that provide effective reductions to carbon emissions and value for money.

Net-Zero Carbon Assessment for Kirklees

Kirklees-wide emissions inventory

Using the SCATTER (Setting City Area Targets and Trajectories for Emission Reduction) tool, we have developed an understanding of the area of Kirklees emissions (scope 1, 2 and 3).

Please see: SCATTER

The latest reporting year for SCATTER is 2019, which shows a total GHG emissions for the district of Kirklees as 2, 689,294.79 tCO2e (SCATTER 2019 - Scope 1, 2, & 3)

SCATTER tool emissions for each of the Climate Change Action plan sectors can be found on Climate Change Action Plan for Kirklees.

  • Buildings (page 24)
  • Energy (page 32)
  • Natural environment and biodiversity (page 37)
  • Sustainable food and agriculture (page 43)
  • Transport (page 48)
  • Waste (page 56)
  • Water (page 61)
  • Cross-cutting (page 66)

Climate change risk and vulnerability assessment

To help understand the current and future impacts that climate change is currently and could have on Kirklees, we developed a Climate Change Risk and Vulnerability assessment (CCRVA).

Kirklees Climate Change Risk and Vulnerability Assessment

This CCRVA identifies and reports on 392 risks and associated key opportunities of a changing climate for Kirklees, spread across the following sectors at 2030, 2050 and 2090 timeframes: Culture Leisure and Tourism (3%), Housing and Buildings (15%), Infrastructure inc. highways, IT, transport, Energy (22%), Biodiversity and Environment (20%), Water and Waste (19%), Health and Wellbeing inc. adult care (17%) and Children and Young People (4%). This work was undertaken by WSP UK Ltd, in alignment with the methodology outlined within 'Adaptation to Climate Change - Guidelines on Vulnerability, impacts and risk assessment: BS EN ISO 14091:2021', meaning it also satisfies the Councils reporting requirements for climate adaptation under CDP and Global Covenant of Mayors (GCoM).

Resident Survey: Findings

Completed between the 16th May and the 17th of June 2022, a resident survey undertaken to help inform the development of the Climate Change Action Plan for Kirklees.

Appendix D - Stakeholder Survey Results 2022

'Appendix D' to the Climate Change Action Plan for Kirklees, this survey saw 1,499 respondents across all wards within Kirklees and is a key part of a broader range of stakeholder engagement completed in summer 2022:

  • A virtual workshop for Kirklees Council Colleagues.
  • An in-person workshop with the Kirklees Climate Commission.
  • Attendance at all political party group meetings to engage with Kirklees Councillors, prior to internal governance processes.
  • A virtual workshop for 26 external stakeholders, incorporating residents, organisations, community groups, agencies, and businesses across Kirklees.