We have engaged with residents across Kirklees as part of the action planning process and will continue to do so as we progress through the next steps of our work. See the "Next Steps" part of our Phase two: Climate Change Action Plan for Kirklees for more information.

In Table 14 of our Climate Change Action Plan, there are a number of actions that members of the wider community in Kirklees can start to consider in order to reduce their carbon footprint and increase their resilience, specifically around behaviour change. This includes:

  • Adopting more sustainable and healthy food habits, achieving a balanced diet, eating more seasonal, locally sourced foods. Consider initiatives such as OddBox .
  • Choose walking, cycling or public transport for short journeys instead of a car. For more information, visit the Energy Saving Trust .
  • Rewild your gardens; plant trees and wildflowers to encourage and support local wildlife. Some tips on what to do can be found on RHS - Rewild your garden with tips from Springwatch . If you are also interested to know more about the green spaces in Kirklees, Natural Kirklees is a great place to start.
  • Consider adapting your consumer behaviour and the impact it can have on waste; making conscious decisions to avoid fast fashion, avoid single-plastics and to purchase the best-quality product you can afford. Some advice on how to live more sustainably can be found with the United Nations System Staff College .
  • Look at ways to make your home more energy efficient, saving you money on your energy bills and reducing your carbon footprint at the same time. For more information visit the Energy Saving Trust .

Information on the support and actions that residents can take in the face of the cost-of-living crisis can be also found on our cost of living support webpage.