Kirklees Climate Commission

The Kirklees Climate Commission , whose creation has been led by Kirklees Council with assistance from partners, has been established as an independent advisory body to bring representatives from the public, private and third sectors together to support and guide ambitious climate actions across all parts of Kirklees.

The commission meets quarterly and held its first meeting in July 2021, hosted by the Kirklees Council in Dewsbury Town Hall. The Council worked in collaboration with the commission to develop parts of the evidence base for the Climate Change Action Plan and held a dedicated workshop with commissioners on identifying challenges, opportunities and actions for Kirklees. Moving forwards, the commission will continue to be supported by the Council through the provision of a small secretariat.

The Kirklees Climate Commission is part of the ESRC-funded Place-Based Climate Action Network (PCAN) .

The Yorkshire and Humber Climate Commission (YHCC)

The Yorkshire and Humber Climate Commission is an independent advisory body set up to bring actors from the public, private and third sectors together to support and guide ambitious climate actions across the region.

We have engaged with the YHCC throughout the stakeholder engagement process of the Kirklees Climate Change Action Plan, and actively support the YHCC Net Zero Group.

As of November 2022, we are also a committed participant in the 'YHCC Adaptation Programme', alongside several other regional local authorities.

Yorkshire and Humber Climate Action Pledge

Kirklees Council become the first West Yorkshire Council to sign the Yorkshire and Humber Climate Action Pledge.

Facilitated by the YHCC, Kirklees has been awarded 'achiever' status which recognises that as an organisation, we have a plan in place for at least one of four areas of focus of the pledge. As a council we have committed to taking action in all four areas, which are:

  • Adapting to climate change by becoming climate ready
  • Reducing our carbon emissions
  • Boosting nature and enhancing our region's fantastic natural assets
  • Promoting climate action in a fair way that involves everyone.

For more information on the pledge, visit the Who's signed the pledge?. page.