Tackling climate change requires a collaborative and joined-up approach of strategies, plans and targets at a local, regional, and national level. In tackling our climate emergency, we have identified and aligned with the following documents and targets, wherever possible.

Our Council Plan 2021-2023

Launched in 2021,Our Council Plan sets out the council's vision, approach and values to be a place which combines a strong sustainable economy with a great quality of life.

Of the 9 shared outcomes detailed, the most relevant to this action plan are the shared outcomes for 'Clean and Green', 'Sustainable Economy' and 'Shared by People'.

Read more about Our Council Plan.

Kirklees Waste and Resources Strategy 2021-2030

Kirklees Council launched its Waste and Resources Strategy in 2021, setting out our ambitions for "a clean, green, sustainable future for Kirklees with zero waste to landfill and where waste is valued as a resource through re-use, recycling, and recovery."

Key targets from this strategy include:

  • Achieve a recycling rate of at least 55% of collected municipal waste by 2025.
  • Achieve a recycling rate of at least 70% at our Household Waste and Recycling Centres by 2025.
  • Achieve 90% diversion from landfill by 2026.

Read the Kirklees Resources and Waste Strategy 2021-2030.

Kirklees Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP) 2019-2024

Produced as part of Kirklees' duty to Local Air Quality Management, this plan outlines the action that will be taken by the council to improve air quality in Kirklees between April 2019 and March 2024. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Alternatives to private vehicle use
  • Promoting low emission transport
  • Public information
  • Policy guidance and development control

Read the Air Quality Action Plan for Kirklees Council.

White Rose Forest Action Plan 2021-2025

As one of England's Community Forests, the White Rose Forest is part of the largest environmental regeneration initiative in England. Kirklees Council is the accountable body and, with support from the Community Forest Trust and other partners, manages a small core team to provide support and continuity across the partnership.

Key targets for the White Rose Forest Partnership include:

  • Plant 7 million trees across the North and West Yorkshire regions.
  • Increase total tree cover by 3500 hectares across the region.

Read the White Rose Forest Action Plan 2021-25 .

West Yorkshire Climate and Environment Plan 2021-2024

The combined authority declared a climate emergency for the West Yorkshire region in 2019, with a vision of "Growing our economy while cutting emissions and caring for our environment."

This declaration included an ambition to become a "Net Zero carbon economy by 2038" and resulting in the publication of the West Yorkshire Climate and Environment Plan 2021-2024. Within this plan, West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) portrays their emission reduction pathway to 2038, whilst outlining a "Climate Ready" objective for climate adaptation.

Read the West Yorkshire Climate and Environment Plan 2021-2024 .

Targets from national government

The UK national government has enshrined in law, a climate change mitigation target of achieving Net Zero by 2050, which is compatible with the Paris Agreement of limiting global warming to 1.5℃. The government's Net Zero Strategy: Build Back Greener sets out clear policies and proposals from each sector of the UK economy for keeping the UK on track for achieving the coming 5-year long carbon budgets.

To achieve the carbon budgets, local authorities, including Kirklees, will be required to support the following key policies:

  • The UK will be powered entirely by clean electricity, subject to security of supply by 2035.
  • To support the transition to low emission transport, increasing the number of publicly available electric vehicle charging points with a focus on local on-street residential charging.
  • Restoring approximately 280,000 hectares of peat in England by 2050.
  • Improve energy performance of homes, ensuring they meet Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) Band C by 2035 where cost-effective, practical, and affordable.

Read the Net Zero Strategy: Build Back Greener .

From an adaptation perspective, the government outlines its response to the second Climate Change Risk Assessment (CCRA) via the second National Adaptation Programme (2018 - 2023).

The UK's overarching aim is to achieve: "A society which makes timely, far-sighted and well-informed decisions to address the risks and opportunities posed by a changing climate."

Read the UK's Climate change: second national adaptation programme (2018-2023) .