Health and wellbeing
Your health and wellbeing matter to us. When we talk about your health, we don't just mean exercising or eating healthy food. Health also covers things like how you feel about yourself, how you manage your emotions, whether you have good sexual health and whether you know where to go for support with your health if you are struggling. There are different services available in Kirklees and your Personal Advisor will be able to signpost you in the right direction to access those services.
What we can offer you
- Access to a looked-after-children's nurse.
- Access to contraception, pregnancy testing and sexual health screening at the Number 11 and Number 12 hubs
- Access to The Base , a free and confidential drug and alcohol service that offers support for young people up to the age of 21 in Kirklees.
- Access to your care leavers health journey and summary of your health history.
- Access to free leisure activity and similar offer if you live out of area.
- Access to emotional wellbeing support
- We are currently exploring a way to provide free prescriptions to all Kirklees Care leavers aged up to 25. Whilst we do this, if you need support to pay for a prescription, please contact your Personal Advisor.
More information
FRANK - Straight forward information and advice about drugs.
Alcohol advice and NHS: Drug addiction: getting help .
Government information on Alcohol and young people and Drugs penalties .
For free confidential advice around sexual health, if you do not feel comfortable discussing with your Personal Advisor, please consider support offered by Locala. Both your Personal Advisor and Locala can offer free contraception.
The Brunswick Centre enables people from to make informed choices, build healthier relationships, and live positive lives free of stigma.