The best way to keep in touch with us is to call and see all Personal Advisors and team leaders at:

  • Number 11 Hub, Central Huddersfield
  • Number 12 Hub, Central Dewsbury

Giving feedback

We love getting your feedback and our Children's Rights Team are your first point of contact to have your say.

How to contact the Children's Rights Team

Fill in our simple online form.

Completing this form takes around 5 minutes

Contact the Children's Rights Team

After you've completed the form

The Children's Rights Team will get in contact with you.

Digital Kirklees transaction logo

Children in Care Council and Care Leaver's Forum

You will also have the opportunity to participate in the Children in Care Council and Care Leaver's Forum run by the Children's Rights Team.

Care Leaver Covenant

You can access advice, support, and guidance via the Care Leaver Covenant

Other feedback

If you have any feedback whether this be positive or worries, we hope you are able to discuss this with your Personal Advisor in the first instance.

Alternatively, you will be able to contact their team leader if you still wish to raise any concerns or praises.

Complaints and compliments

We also have a complaints and compliments Service in Kirklees.

Children and Young People's Service compliments and complaints

Suggestion boxes

There are suggestion boxes in the Number 11 Hub, Huddersfield and Number 12 Hub, Dewsbury where you can submit any ideas, thoughts, or feedback to the team. This can be done anonymously if you wish to.

Accessing your social care records

You have the right to access your social care records by law.

If you want to access your records or you have a question about your time as a looked after child, we recommend that you speak to your Personal Advisor first. They should be able to answer your questions or arrange for you to speak to someone who can.

If you want access to your records, they will be able to support you to do this. We recommend going through your Personal Advisor as they will be able to provide you with any support that you may need while going through this process as some people can find this experience difficult or emotionally challenging.